Just got these 3 copies from March and April of that month.
What a let-down with my favourite strip - a dull, ploding affair which has over the course of the three issues,Wilson held captive on a German Destroyer, freed by Max who intends to kill him himself, who then loses him. And that's it. THREE ISSUES to do that. Pffff...
Much better here is Adam Eterno. I've said before that the attraction of this strip for me is the wonderful, evocative artwork and the audacious way gold happens to appear to put the big guy in peril, rather than the character himself or the situations he's in.
And, boy, here that artwork sure is stunning stuff. The plant creatures are rendered brilliantly and the moodiness of the setting is top-notch stuff. If i ever could own a page of Eterno artwork, it'd be from this tale.
AIEEEE! Watch:
Plenty of "aaagh!" and "uuurgh", but no "Aieeee!" here.