Well, hope you had a jolly Christmas and the New Years started well?
Thought i'd kick off this year with a title i never got at all way back then. Of course i'd bought Vulcan but never cared at all for Valiant, thinking its characters were just not interesting.
Which put me off buying it - that and the fact i was deeply into Action and Battle at this time, along with every Marvel UK title going.
But i thought it might be worth taking a look at what i was missing.
Lets get the naff stuff out of the way first shall we?
On the cover we have "Paco", half dog half wolf on the run from his wicked former owner. An odd tale involving him just running away, while various inept baddies fail to shoot or trap him, getting in a fix themselves. No style, no wit and no points of interest. Covers nice, having him come across like the Hound Of The Baskervilles, but the art inside is pretty duff.
"Well Red" (yet another football mad boy trying to make it), "Billy Bunter", "Death Wish" (a D Day Dawson clone), and "Captain Hurricane" show why i never bought the comic, while "One Eyed Jack" is just about passable.
"Soldier Sharp" is in here, but the art and script have gone really downhill - no humour or inventivness now, making him just be a nasty little creep.
Was thinking i'd wasted me money but, there at the back, is the barmy genius of "Adam Eterno" and all was right again.
Out of all his barmpot golden scrapes he's gotten in, this ranks pretty high - the fellas in Celtic Britain, up against "Celtic Stone Gods" who just happen to have gold ore in them (ain't that always the way?). He's resigned to his doom at the hands of these bad boys - until he realises that they're scared of limestone dust. Yep, you read that right, these stone GODS run away from a bit of dust. That's got to be up there with Green Lantern's weakness being the colour yellow as the lamest plot device going. Armed with this info he gathers up the dust into solid lumps to pelt them with, until "... the deadly lichen is being killed by slaked lime! Unnatural life ebbs from the gold-tainted stone".
Brilliant stuff, and well worth the price of admission.
There's a curiosty in here too - a pretty unfunny strip called "Challenge Charlie!", which has either an artist doing a fair Ken Reid immitation, or the great man wasn't on top form.
A perfect 100% "Aieeee!" from a Tommy in "Soldier Sharp"
A "Aaaeeee!" variation from the guy being dissolved in coolant in "Paco"
A short "Aaaee!!" from a Celt in "Adam Eterno" but, as he's being shoved down the throat of a Stone God, guess we can excuse that