The nearest i get to it is to by the occasional graphic novel, have a peep though the latest Prog when in WH Smiths and to but the end of year special, just to see what things are like.
Very pleased this year to nab me one, as its proper Old School Thrill Power:
Ian Kennedy back for the wraparound cover!
neatly designed snowmen villains in Dredd - just snowmen, as silly as that with no deep meaning of hidden plot behind it,
great 80's style art on Bad Company,
Clint Langley nodding to the past nicely, with Hammerstien in the accurate brown colours, the return of Dr Feelyggod, and even the robot Overseers are spot-on accurate,
Jesus Redondo back! And drawing Tharg!
and Johnny Alpha's mates back together.
Eee by gum, its like its 1980 all over again!